
Dajana Yoakley, Peaceful Parenting Coach

Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Online Course

You want to show up for your child in a loving and calm way

And create a loving relationship that lasts into their adulthood

Dajana has a deep understanding of the human mind, and the role that self-compassion plays in healing and recovery

Dajana Yoakley is both empathic and brilliant. She has a deep understanding of the human mind, and the role that self-compassion plays in healing and recovery. She knows what both parents and children need to thrive, and how to support parents to become their best selves.

- Dr. Laura Markham,

Founder of AhaParenting

Author of Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids

Parenting is harder than you thought it would be...

You’ get stressed out and start yelling at your kids (and then feel guilty for acting that way)

You’re tired of the power struggles and meltdowns

You lie awake worrying about how you behaved (and feel like you’ll never get rid of your inner critic)

You get frustrated and overwhelmed and feel like your child won’t listen to you unless you shout at them

You don’t want your child to be scared of you, but sometimes it feels like they are

You don’t like the way you feel about your parenting style, you feel ineffective and over-reactive.

Right now you feel like your life is too stressful to be peaceful and kind

You’re worried that your relationship with your child will deteriorate to the point that they won’t want to hang out with you when they’re an adult

You only get one chance to parent your child

Three steps to transform your family into a safe haven for your children to rest and feel safe

Role modeling

When you practice self-compassion with your own challenges and mistakes, you model this voice of kindness and understanding for your children.

They, in turn, will be able to use this compassionate tone with their own struggles.

We all want to hear our children being kind to themselves.

Resilience building

Parenting is hard, and we are all imperfect humans doing the best we can - we are bound to make mistakes.

But when you treat yourselves with compassion, you are more likely to take responsibility for your actions, learn from our mistakes and do better next time.

You really can do better when you feel better inside.

Delight in Parenting

When you parent from a place of self-love, you are more likely to feel emotional generosity toward your children when they make mistakes.

You are then are able to parent with more empathy and playfulness and are less likely to project unrealistic expectations onto your kids.

This creates a supportive and emotionally healthy environment.

This in turn fosters more peaceful parent-child relationships and allows you to delight in being a parent again.

Don't let stress and conflict ruin your relationship with your child

"Dajana showed an outstanding ability to understand and use the principles and practices of playful parenting."

"Dajana successfully completed the Playful Parenting for Parent Educators Program through Playful Parenting International. She showed an outstanding ability to understand and use the principles and practices, both in her work supporting other parents and in her own growth as a parent."

- Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, President, Playful Parenting International,

Author of Playful Parenting

Through practicing self-compassion you will feel happier yourself (while also raising happier and healthier children)

As a parent, you already possess incredible strength and wisdom.

By learning and practicing self-compassion you can:

Create a bright future for your child by:

  • Supporting them to develop strong foundations for good mental health
  • Supporting them to develop strong foundations for good mental health
  • Modeling positive behavior that helps your child become an honest and ethical adult
  • Showing your child how self-compassion creates compassion for others (including people in need and people who are different from them)
  • Create a calm and stable home environment so your child can be financially independent and happy in their career

Enjoy your parenting journey more by:

  • Learning how to stay calm and present during overwhelming times with your child
  • Changing how you react to tantrums and meltdowns
  • Being more more consistent with peaceful parenting techniques
  • Not trying to be someone who you’re not and finally accepting and loving who you are already
  • Being kinder to your child, to your spouse, and to yourself.
  • Learning how to parent in a different way to your parents

Self-compassion has been able to help me transform in how I show up for my kids

"Dajana is amazing! I've learned so much about self-compassion from her. With her help, I've been able to really transform the way I feel about myself and how I show up for my kids."

- Janette, mom of 3 boys

Peaceful parenting starts with

you being able to regulate your own emotions...

Step 1:

Notice Your Emotions Throughout the Day

Start by developing awareness of your emotions and thoughts as you go about your day.

Take moments to pause and check in with yourself, acknowledging and validating your feelings without judgment.

Notice any patterns or triggers that arise in your interactions with your child.

Step 2:

Meet Your Needs

Recognize that you have needs as a parent and as an individual.

Prioritize self-care and make time for activities that rejuvenate and replenish you.

This may include practicing mindfulness, engaging in hobbies, seeking support from loved ones, or seeking professional help when needed.

By meeting your needs, you can cultivate a sense of well-being and resilience, allowing you to show up as your best self for your child.

Step 3:

Respond to Your Child from Your Best Self

When interacting with your child, aim to respond from a place of self-compassion and mindfulness.

Take a moment to connect with your own inner calm and wisdom before engaging with your child.

This can help you respond with empathy, patience, and understanding, fostering a nurturing and loving environment. Remember, self-compassion allows you to extend the same kindness and understanding to your child as you do to yourself.

Research shows that creating strong bonds with your child when they’re young is the best predictor of their future emotional state of well-being and resilience...

Instead of letting my overwhelm drive my behavior, I began to soothe myself with self-compassion

Working with Dajana has helped me to realize that I wasn’t really taking care of myself. I was always so preoccupied with meeting my kids needs, that I forgot myself in the process. Once I started considering my own needs moment to moment, and getting curious about how I was feeling when my child was having a hard time or other things were overwhelming me in life, I noticed that I had a choice in how to respond to myself. Instead of letting my overwhelm drive my behavior, I began to soothe myself with self-compassion and calm down my own nervous system, so that I could respond to the situation from a calm place instead of a storm. Self-compassion has been a transformative gift in my parenting, but most of all, my own life.

- Karla, mom of 3 boys


Delight in Parenting Course + Membership Subscription

Learn how to apply research-backed self-compassion in your peaceful parenting in just 8 weeks

Here’s what’s included inside the Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Course

8 Modules of Flexible and Self-Paced Learning

  • Engaging video lessons and instructional presentations
  • Delivered each week into your portal on a Monday
  • Access your resources 24/7 through your personal online portal
  • Lessons are delivered as videos with transcripts and audios - to cater for your preferred learning style
  • You can return to the course lessons as often as you want to - including any further updates to the material

Practice Meditations

  • Get access to weekly research-backed Practice Meditations that support what you are learning
  • By practicing these meditations for two months, you develop a new habit and rewire your brain - allowing you to more easily stay calm under pressure

Journal Prompts & Practice Exercises

  • Weekly journal prompts and exercises to improve your ability to reflect and observe, instead of to reacting
  • Delivered as easy-to-print PDFs to download
  • Recommended readings to help you broaden and support your learning

Weekly Q&A Calls

  • Each week* for 8 weeks we get together on a video call
  • This is an opportunity for you to get personal coaching and ask questions that have come up as you work through the material

Private Community Facebook group

  • Meet other parents, share your successes and frustrations, and give each other support and encouragement
  • This is a private group, available only to parents who are enrolled in the course
  • You retain access to the community after the live portion of the program is finished - so you can continue to benefit from the support and community

2 Month Access to Delight in Parenting Membership

Monthly Deep Dive on Content & Masterclasses (Value $297)

✅ Strategies and Scripts - What to Do & What to Say! (Value $97)

✅ Live Events with Dajana- Weekly Office Hours (Value $497)

✅ Expert Library- Unlimited Access to Summits & Workshops! (Value $197)

✅ Private Parenting Community - You're Never Alone! (Value $97)

✅ Private Members Only Podcast- Audio Lessons On the Go! (Value $97)

✅ FREE! 60 day Membership access (Regular Price $47/month)

Total Value: $1,329 Yours Today for FREE

More on what's inside the course...

Below are the course modules and descriptions.

For a more detailed overview of the course modules and lessons click below:

Join Today and Get Access to 2 FREE Months of the Delight in Parenting Membership Group


BONUS #1: Getting Your Child to Listen and Cooperate

(Value $150)

  • Neurobiology of Connection (is 80% of Your Parenting)
  • How to create Micro-Moments of Connection (12 hugs a day)
  • How to do Special Time/Child-Led Play

BONUS #2: Effectively Managing Screen Time

(Value $97)

  • Neurobiology of Screen Addiction / Dopamine nation
  • How to use Oxytocin as an Antidote to Screen Addiction
  • How to set Firm, Kind Limits/boundaries
  • How to set up screen time Routines

BONUS #3: Parenting Strong-willed, Sensitive and Spirited kids

(Value $97)

  • What is a strong willed, sensitive kid?
  • What to do when they push you away.
  • Handling big emotions/meltdowns

BONUS #4: Handling Sibling Conflict and Healing Sibling Rivalry

(Value $97)

  • How to Intervene in a Sibling Conflict/Fight
  • How to Heal Entrenched Resentment/Chip on the Shoulder
  • How to Help Your Kids become Best Friends for Life

BONUS #5: Peaceful & Delightful Holidays

(Value $97)

  • How to reduce Holiday Stress and Overwhelm
  • How to get what you really want out of the holidays
  • How to create more connection during the holidays
  • How to show up with more presence and mindfulness during the holiday season
  • How to Replace Presents with your Presence

Total Value: $500

It's more than a course; it's a commitment to becoming the parent you've always wanted to be—and the one your child truly needs.

Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting

Learn how to apply research-backed self-compassion in your peaceful parenting in just 6 weeks

Option 1

  • Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Course (Value $497)

Launch Bonuses (Value $500)

  • BONUS #1: Getting Your Child to Listen and Cooperate (Value $150)
  • BONUS #2: Effectively Managing Screen Time (Value $97)
  • BONUS #3: Parenting Strong-willed, Sensitive and Spirited kids (Value $97)
  • BONUS #4: Handling Sibling Conflict and Healing Sibling Rivalry (Value $97)
  • BONUS #5: Peaceful & Delightful Holidays (Value $97)

Total Value: $997

Yours For Only $497

Option 2

  • Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Course (Value $497)

Launch Bonuses (Value $500)

  • BONUS #1: Getting Your Child to Listen and Cooperate (Value $150)
  • BONUS #2: Effectively Managing Screen Time (Value $97)
  • BONUS #3: Parenting Strong-willed, Sensitive and Spirited kids (Value $97)
  • BONUS #4: Handling Sibling Conflict and Healing Sibling Rivalry (Value $97)
  • BONUS #5: Peaceful & Delightful Holidays (Value $97)

VIP Upgrade

  • 3 x 1 hour private coaching sessions (usually $450)

Total Value: $1,447

Yours For Only $997

Dajana empowered me to love my whole self!

Dajana believes in the power of self compassion to unlock the best version of ourselves especially when our inner critic is in charge. Having someone to remind you of your goodness even in those challenging moments is everything and helps you trust your own goodness in time, too. Her effortless and intentional way to see the common humanity in my unskillfulness, relieved me of the pain of feeling isolated and alone in my struggles, and allowed me to appreciate those parts of myself that I did not do like before, making me more wiling to lean into those difficult parts, release the hold I had on them, and see them for what they’re really are: just a small part of my beautiful human experience. Dajana empowered me to love my whole self!

- Clara, mother of 2

Even if you’ve made mistakes as a parent, it’s never too late to repair the relationship..

What’s inside the Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Curriculum?

Learn a scientifically-grounded approach to peaceful parenting that centers around self-compassion.

Drawing on extensive research and proven practices, you will learn how to transform your parenting journey into one of empathy, understanding, and genuine connection with your child.

Module 1: Welcome & Introduction

Inside this module, you’ll

  • Discover how to achieve your own nurturing, caregiving system so you can show up as the peaceful parent that you desire to be
  • Explore the neuroscience behind how your self-compassion practice not only rewires your own brain but directly shapes your child’s developing brain for more emotional well-being
  • Learn how self-compassion offers you the emotional resources and support during tough parenting moments
  • Discover a 5-step framework that gifts you with the power of presence, a sense of belonging, unconditional love, and the strategies for repair and reconnection with your child
  • How can a simple meditation practice amplify your self-compassion and parenting? Find out how peaceful parenting can be your new norm

Module 2: Mindfulness & Presence in Parenting

Inside this module, you’ll

  • Transform your approach to parenting by mastering mindfulness techniques that support you to be more present (and less volatile)
  • Learn how mindfulness can truly revolutionize your approach to parenting
  • Discover the difference between stressors vs triggers - and how to tame these unseen forces that shake your emotional state
  • Learn simple techniques for tuning into your senses that offer you a new way to soothe yourself and your child
  • Could simple mantras become your go-to solution for maintaining your composure? Learn how to instantly center yourself in any parenting scenario
  • Get access to a simple meditation technique to learn how to be present with your difficult emotions, learn how to soothe yourself through difficult emotions, using somatic techniques

Module 3: Belonging

Inside this module, you’ll

  • Learn how understanding 'Common Humanity' can improve your relationship between you and your child
  • Unlock the art of co-regulation with another adult and find out how to borrow from another’s prefrontal cortex can assist you with stress management
  • Delve into how feelings of shame influence your ability to show up for your child (and how changing your relationship with these feelings can transform your parenting style)
  • Discover the power of reframing as an antidote to shame
  • Weekly meditation on shame: Practice a unique technique to help you manage feelings of shame

Module 4: Learning to Love Yourself Unconditionally

Inside this module, you’ll

  • Learn about the science of mirror neurons and how it shapes your child's emotional development
  • Discover how to welcome all feelings (even the uncomfortable ones) - while learning techniques to respond not react
  • How to befriend your inner critic and understand how it’s trying to keep you safe
  • Discover how to be the wise parent to your inner child through connection and setting kind, firm limits with yourself
  • Learn how to forgive and repair with yourself after making parenting mistakes
  • Weekly meditation to help you explore your feelings of resistance to then welcome all parts of yourself

Module 5: Repair With Your Child

Inside this module, you’ll

  • Gain a deep understanding of how connection, disconnection and repair are a cycle in all relationships and learn how to skillfully repair for a stronger parent-child bond
  • Learn the art of seeing situations from your child's unique perspective, paving the way for a more peaceful home
  • Fine-tune your ability to help your child process difficult emotions that come up after there’s been rupture in your relationship with them
  • Find out how taking responsibility and offering genuine repair can improve your relationship with your child
  • Discover why a commitment to maintaining emotional equilibrium is the ultimate gift for your family's well-being
  • Weekly meditation on self-forgiveness

Module 6: Self-Compassion in Daily Life

Inside this module, you’ll

  • Discover how cultivating daily habits of self-compassion can be your secret weapon for a more peaceful parenting experience
  • Learn the big impact of small wins - and how oxytocin can be fuel for positive change
  • Get insights into the invaluable benefits of experiencing community support for sustainable change
  • Discover the power of routine listening partnerships with other like-minded parent
  • Get actionable tips to put yourself at the top of the to-do list in an effort to reduce overwhelm
  • When and why to reach out for additional coaching support
  • Weekly meditation: revisit your favorite meditation from the program

What other parents have said...

Dajana offered me a safe, compassionate space that allowed for open and honest communication without criticism or judgement

- Sarah, mother of 3

Dajana has such a warm, gentle, kind presence. I love how her self-compassion practices bring ease into any difficult parenting situation. Her encouragement helps me to be kinder to myself and my children.

- Heidi mother of 4

She really opened my eyes to how important re-parenting myself is in order to be the kind of parent I am striving to become.

- Marta, mother of 2

Hi, I am Dajana!

Hey there, I'm Dajana Yoakley, and I'm on a mission to bring more peace and connection into your parenting journey.

Through the power of research-backed self-compassion, I'll guide you find your inner balance, while allowing you to build a strong relationship with your child…built on respect, peace, and love.

Why you can trust me:

-I’m a certified Peaceful Parenting Coach and a certified Parenting
Educator (having had the honor of training directly under the
guidance of Dr. Laura Markham and Dr. Lawrence Cohen).

-I have a Master’s Degree Leadership from the University of Florida

-With over a decade of experience in the world of corporate
leadership, I've also witnessed firsthand the transformative influence
of relationships, especially in the realm of parenting.

But I’m not just a coach. I'm a proud mom of three amazing kiddos, ages 11, 8, and 4. Trust me, I get the challenges of parenting all too well.

Inside the Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Program I’m here to support you fully - from learning the art of effective communication to nurturing self-compassion so you can be your best self during tough parenting moments.

What other parents have said...

Dajana has been an amazing companion on the journey towards more self-compassionate parenting. I have learned so much from her experience and perspective and felt inspired by her to do the (not always easy) work of becoming more compassionate towards myself so I could be more compassionate towards my children. (And my partner!)

- Heidi, mother of 2

I always thought having coaching was a bit unnecessary or not the thing for me because I think I truly didn’t understand the purpose of coaching. My sessions with Dajana were amazing. I was able to work on a specific problem, and work on solutions to iron on that particular problem before moving on to another issue. I would totally recommend Dajana, she is kind, empathic and has been a game changer in improving my parenting skills.

- Bharti, mother of 2

A reminder of everything that’s included

Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting

Learn how to apply research-backed self-compassion in your peaceful parenting in just 6 weeks

Option 1

  • Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Course (Value $497)

Launch Bonuses (Value $500)

  • BONUS #1: Getting Your Child to Listen and Cooperate (Value $150)
  • BONUS #2: Effectively Managing Screen Time (Value $97)
  • BONUS #3: Parenting Strong-willed, Sensitive and Spirited kids (Value $97)
  • BONUS #4: Handling Sibling Conflict and Healing Sibling Rivalry (Value $97)
  • BONUS #5: Peaceful & Delightful Holidays (Value $97)

Total Value: $997

Yours For Only $497

Option 2

  • Self-Compassion for Peaceful Parenting Course (Value $497)

Launch Bonuses (Value $500)

  • BONUS #1: Getting Your Child to Listen and Cooperate (Value $150)
  • BONUS #2: Effectively Managing Screen Time (Value $97)
  • BONUS #3: Parenting Strong-willed, Sensitive and Spirited kids (Value $97)
  • BONUS #4: Handling Sibling Conflict and Healing Sibling Rivalry (Value $97)
  • BONUS #5: Peaceful & Delightful Holidays (Value $97)

VIP Upgrade

  • 3 x 1 hour private coaching sessions (usually $450)

Total Value: $1,447

Yours For Only $997

Is This For You?

  • You get stressed out and start yelling at your kids (and then feel guilty for acting that way)
  • You’re tired of the power struggles and meltdowns
  • You lie awake worrying about how you behaved (and feel like you’ll never get rid of your inner critic)
  • You don’t want your child to be scared of you, but sometimes it feels like they areor and how you specifically help them
  • You get frustrated and overwhelmed and feel like your child won’t listen to you unless you shout at them
  • You don’t like the way you feel about your parenting style, you feel ineffective and over-reactive.

Dajana is just the coach you need in your journey of self-compassion and love!

“Dajana often notices nuances that others might miss, and is great at offering reframes and valuable insights. She gently guides you in examining your thoughts and helps you see the best in you. Her gentle compassion and empathy help you feel seen, listened to and supported. You feel like she really gets you! As your compassionate witness, Dajana holds that warm space for you, listening intently and lovingly guiding you to offer compassion for yourself; reminding you that you're doing the best you can. She is your gentle sounding board, offering you strength and hope, especially in moments when it feels hard. Dajana is just the coach you need in your journey of self-compassion and love!”

- Marilyn, mom of 1

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and what if I can't be live for the Q&As?

Registration is currently closed, but you can register for the waiting list. Each week's lecture is drip released so you can focus on one week at a time. If you can't make the weekly Q&A time, be sure to presubmit your question to me, and I'll be sure to answer it. A recording will be posted of the Q&A replays for your viewing.

What if I don't like the course?

You can receive a full refund within 14 days of course start date if you don't find it valuable, as long as you show me that you've done the work for the full 14 days, I'll be glad to refund you.

How much time will this course take to complete?

Each week is on average about an hour of lessons, but don't worry, they are broken down into smaller recordings so you can piecemeal it as you have time. The implementation of the course content will happen around your schedule and as you interact with your child. The weekly Q&A is an additional 60 minutes per week approximately.

Is there a payment plan or a subsidy for low income?

Yes! For both course only and course plus coaching options. If you are low income, email me for a subsidized rate possibility.

Will you be offering this course again?

Possibly, but there is no set date for when the course will be offered again.

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